Monday 14 July 2014

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Friday 11 July 2014

Make sure your customers are at the heart of your Marketing Automation Strategy

Make sure your customers are at the heart of your Marketing Automation Strategy


The Seven Deadly Sins of Marketing Automation

Are you failing the customer?
The single most significant thing that has affected marketing strategy today has been the shift of control to the customer. The proliferation of social media tools and online tools help leads decide on their own schedule and using their own combination resources.
The primary need that leads and customers have in their research is for useful and timely information. Our role as marketers should be to help customers get all of the information they need and ease their decision process.

Marketing automation doesn’t reflect the complete customer experience
Over the course of a lead’s interactions with your company, you learn a lot about their interests, challenges and timing. You should be gathering social, website, blog, purchase history and behavioural information on your leads and prospects - so make sure you put it to good use.Marketing automation programs should reflect that data. If you take the time up front to understand what your audience wants, then they’ll be more receptive to you.

Marketing automation often ignores your best customers
Too many marketers stop targeting communications after the lead has converted into a customer, missing opportunities to deepen the customer relationship and drive repeat purchases and upgrades. A comprehensive inbound marketing strategy should continue to personalize communications based on customer experiences.
Losing focus on content
When run well, B2B content marketing should provide leads and customers with exactly what they need and nothing more. It should be interesting, relevant, and useful. One of the biggest errors with marketing automation tools has to do with the content strategy, not the tool itself. Without smart, tailored, useful content – marketing automation is just an intelligent spamming tool. Too many marketing automation programs today have neglected this central tenet.
Marketing automation can result in multiple emails with the same content
In an automated email campaign, each email should offer value. Lead nurturing campaigns should not be an excuse for you to deliver the same content again and again. Make sure every email has distinct content, value and goals. It's fine to have your email campaign build and refer to past emails, but don't reuse.

Marketing automation sends irrelevant content
Make sure that the information provided in your marketing automation campaigns matches the expressed interests of the recipients. If they have converted into a lead because of a particular product or topic area, your content should reflect that. Don’t rush your leads or move into another topic area before they’ve demonstrated interest in it.

10 Smart Ideas about Inbound Marketing

10 Smart Ideas

about Inbound Marketing

1. Marketing automation should be customer-serving
One of the central concepts behind inbound marketing strategy is that helpful, valuable content will always win out over sales pitches. Pay attention to which types of content resonate the most with your leads, and, if possible, after the lead has converted on a form, try to prevent them from having to fill out any more forms for content.
2. Marketing automation should be pressure free
Gleanster reports that 50% of qualified leads are not ready to purchase immediately. If you push them through a series of hard-sell emails, you’ll likely lose them. Instead, think of yourself as a consultant. Send them resources and useful tips to help them decide.
3. Marketing automation should support the internal sale
For B2B companies, your job is not only to work with your individual lead, but also to provide them with information to help them get internal approval to purchase your product or service. Send them useful tools to help explain the benefit of purchasing your product or service to others.
4. Marketing automation should be part of an integrated inbound marketing strategy
comprehensive inbound marketing strategy should closely reflect the customer lifecycle. It should enable prospects to control how and when they navigate the buying process and reframe marketing as a source of information and support rather than a pushy sales pitch. Marketing automation is just one tool in this process and shouldn’t replace the full strategy.
In An Inbound Marketing Strategy
Attract Leads: Instead of attacking prospects with a series of ads and direct mail, attract them by creating useful and interesting content that is relevant to their interests. Then optimize that content for search, making it easier for prospects in need to find you.

Nurture leads: Once leads have expressed interest, leverage what you know about their interests and needs to send them tailored communications and help them decide about your service or product. Again, these communications should serve the lead, not interrupt them.

 5. Marketing automation should support customers and drive repeat purchases
Marketers’ jobs are not done after the point of purchase. Continue to trigger tailored communications after the point of sale to help the customer get the most out of their purchase, encourage brand advocates, and offer help to those struggling with your product.
6. Marketing automation should be content-driven
No matter how strong an individual piece of technology is, the success or failure of a lead nurturing campaign will still rest on the quality of the content you are delivering. Content, therefore, must be the backbone of any marketing automation strategy. Are you providing value? Are you pushing things further? These questions are inherent to good marketing.
7. Marketing automation should be multichannel
Buyers control how and when they interact with your company, and more and more they are navigating their decision process outside of the confines of your website and your exclusive set of marketing campaigns. To truly be relevant, lead nurturing and email campaigns need to take into account buyers’ experiences across multiple channels and platforms. For example, if an individual has downloaded a whitepaper, that’s one thing, but what about if they tweet about it too? That indicates an additional level of interest.
8. Marketing automation should reflect Interest, not just Action
Additionally, you should be triggering communications based on all the types of content a lead has viewed and not just the forms he or she has submitted. For example, we want to know that a person has signed up for a free trial, but what if they signed up for a free trial and primarily looked at one content type on your site? That information can help you provide an even more personalised experience to your leads, and should also be available to your sales team so that they know in advance what your lead was looking for. You should consider all of the avenues that someone could use to find your content..
9. Marketing automation should be accessible
Make sure that anyone receiving your communications can view it no matter what browser or application they are using. In order to gain significant traffic, your emails and site need to be compatible with multiple browsers and devices.